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When you come to our worship services you can expect…


…to dress any way you like. Most of us dress comfortably and casually for worship.


…to be warmly greeted by an usher who will give you a bulletin
to help follow the order of service.


…to sit wherever you are most comfortable. There are no
reserved seats.


…to raise your voice in song throughout the service with our wonderful organist


…to join in reading the bold portions printed in the bulletin or feel free not to join in and just sit in silence.


…to sit during the entire service if that makes you comfortable or sit and stand when others do so.


…to hear readings from the Old and New Testaments.


…to hear a gospel reading from Mark, Matthew, Luke or John.


…to hear an 8-12 minute sermon reflecting on the readings.


…to engage in an exchange of peace with those around you if you feel comfortable doing so.


…to see an usher pass the plate for people to make donations in gratitude for blessings and the ongoing work of our church.


…to be invited to share in Communion. ALL ARE WELCOME.


When the usher invites you, you may kneel or stand at the rail and hold out your hand for the bread. You may either dip the bread in the wine or eat the bread and drink the wine from the chalice.


…to enjoy coffee and delicious treats during our coffee hour following the service.


That our worship will last approximately one hour. That you will not have to stand or raise your hand as a new visitor.


Rest assured, we are happy to welcome you to Trinity. It doesn’t matter if your child is fussing, or your baby is crying, or you are a member of the LBGTQ community, or you are disabled or from a different religion or not religious at all. There are no requirements. We are happy to have you join us just the way you are!

440 Main Street, Shrewsbury, MA



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