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Reverend Ann began as the Clergy-in-Charge at the Church of the Good Shepherd in January 2019 having earned a Master of Divinity degree from Yale Divinity School and an Anglican Diploma from Berkeley Divinity School where she was also steeped in the Anglican tradition. After her ordination to the priesthood in June 2019, Ann became the Priest-in-Charge at Good Shepherd. In September 2021 the vestry voted to have Ann become Rector of Good Shepherd.  In November 2020, Ann was called by Trinity Episcopal Church in Shrewsbury to be their Priest in Charge.  Approximately, one year later Ann was called to become Trinity’s rector.  Ann currently serves as Rector of both Good Shepherd and Trinity Episcopal Church.  


Ann was drawn to the Episcopal Church by its engaging liturgy, its teachings of inclusivity and its mission of love, compassion and hope for all. She is blessed to be at Good Shepherd and is amazed by the congregation’s faithfulness in worship and ministry to others. People often wonder how a church small in numbers can do so much for the community.

Prior to being ordained a priest, Ann worked as an attorney focusing on Special Education cases.  Ann is a graduate of Harvard University and Suffolk Law School.  Ann resides in Worcester with her two daughters, Keara and Renny and their Aussiedoodle puppy.  Ann enjoys spending time with her family, walking in the woods, reading, watching all kinds of sports and staying fit. 

440 Main Street, Shrewsbury, MA



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