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Interfaith Hospitality Network


Trinity Church participates with other places of worship to support a home for families in transition.  Each year, our congregation provides support for homeless families living in the IHN home in Worcester by making meals and spending time with the families.   Visit the IHN website to lean more!

Seniors and Shut-ins


Trinity parishioners are dedicated to reaching out and keeping in touch with seniors, shut-ins and others who are unable to participate in regular worships services or other gatherings.

Walking Together: Laundry of Love


Trinity parishioners support this wonderful program run by Mother Meredyth Ward that provides support to families in the Main South community of Worcester.  To donate or visit the Laundry of Love, call the parish office at 508-842-6040 for more information. 

St. Anne's Church: Shrewsbury


Trinity parishioners support the outreach work at St. Anne's Church in Shrewsbury through donations and other volunteer effort.

Community Outreach At Trinity:  We live out our faith through service to others.


440 Main Street, Shrewsbury, MA



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